Gidlof Family Tree


Hans Michael Musser

[Glenn and Marcy Gidlof.FTW]

Alt. spelling of surname is MOSSER

Data from WPA records at New Castle, Pa. public library.
!Data from DAC Lineage Book Vol II, entry 10944 (Springfield Missouri Public Library): Michael Musser, Sr. (d. 1789) served with a Pack Train from York Township, York County, Pa., where he died. He was born in Germany.
!See extensive Farley-Mercer genealogy published in 1932 by Belmont Farley. Part of this genealogy was obtained from the Youngstown, Ohio, Public Library.
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The following is copied from the Farley Mercer genealogy mentioned above.
Michael Mosser Michael was born about 1715. He was a German Lutheran in religious denomination. Nearly all the Mossers appear in records of that church or the German Reformed Church. The York County descendants still hold to one of the two faiths. Michael and Maria Eva were members of Christ Lutheran Church in York, where the birth of their son John Jacob was recorded, Feb. 9, 1756.

They were likely the "Michael Mosser and wife" who were sponsors at the baptism of their grandson, Samuel, jr., whose birth is recorded in the records of that church (now in the York Historical Society), July 14, 1767. It was German custom for the grandparents to act as sponsor if they were living and could be present. Michael moved to Springettsbury Manor, now in York Township, about May 5, 1764, when he purchased a 125 acre farm from Samuel. One of the witnesses of the transaction was his son Abraham Mosser who later went to Ohio. Michael was then living in Manchester Township.
Michael's wife was Maria Eva who was born Sept. 11, 1717; d. June 27, 1807, in Springfield Township of what is now Mahoning County, Ohio, near Petersburg.
Michael Mosser's name appears in York County tax records from 1762 to 1783. (Tax records from 1779 to 1783 in Penn. Arch. Series 3, Vol. XXI). Dec. 26, 1788, Michael and Maria Eva deeded to their sons Jacob and Daniel the farm they had purchased from Samuel in 1764. (York deeds 21-308). This is the last record of Michael Mosser in York County. He likely died in 1789, as the U.S. Census of 1790 lists a "widow Mosser" in his township. Interment is supposed to have been in the Mosser private cemetery, now on the farm owned by Eli Wenika in York Township. Marie Eva went with her sons to Ohio in 1801, where she died and was buried in the cemetery mentioned above. Only seven of the eleven children are identified. Likely the others were daughters. In the exodus to Ohio and western Pennsylvania went most of the children of Michael and Maria Eva. Among the eleven children of Michael an Maria Eva Mosser were:
I. Peter, b. April 26, 1740; d. Nov. 26, 1808
II. Michael jr., b. about 1742; d. 1811
III. Samuel, b. about 1745; d. 1808
IV. Abraham, b. about 1747; d. 1822
V. John (?) b. about 1750; d. 1822
VI. John Jacob, b. Feb. 9, 1756
VII. Daniel, b. Apr. 4, 1759; d. Dec. 15, 1817
(Note: Although relationships have been determined by a careful and thorough search of church and civil records, errors may have crept into the deductions. Further research is needed definitely to establish the V. John was the son of Michael and Maria Eva, although there is little doubt that they had a son John. Unless the exact year or month and year is given, the dates of birth are estimates. It is not absolutely certain that they belong in the order given.)
Listing from DAR Patriot Index - Centennial Edition
Mosser, Michael b c 1750 GR d 1789 PA m Maria Eva ______ CS PA
From Ruth Musser Barnsfield - LDS Library Film

Hans Michael Moser (1717-1789), son of Samuel Moser, Eva Maria Elsasser in 1741 in Birschwiller, Alsace, France and immigrated to York County, Pennsylvania. Descendants (spelling Musser or Mosser) and relatives lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio and elsewhere. Includes Kintner (Kentner), Simon, Thorne and related families.

Maria Eva Elsasser

[Glenn and Marcy Gidlof.FTW]

From German on grave stone: For 50 years wife of Michael Musser to whom she bore 11 children. Michael Musser. Sr. died at York County, Pa. in 1789. Eva is buried beside son Peter and daughter Catherine Rudisill.

Her tombstone in Old Springfield Cemetery is inscribed EVE MUSSER Sept 11, 1717 - June 27, 1807 - A Huguenot Pioneer

See data from THE COLONIAL GENEALOGIST (RIN3887) which gives her maiden name as Elsasser.
!Birthplace from Gladyl Donson data, FFO #316 (First Families of Ohio)

Theobald Mechling

Theobald Mechling and his brother, Jacob arrived in Philadelphia on 11 September 1728 on the ship, James Goodwill with David Crocket the ship master. The ship had sailed from Rotterdam, Holland via the Port of Deal, England leaving on 15 June 1728. On board were 90 some Palatine immgrants, 42 were men above the age of 16 making up 37 families. The Palatinate is in the south-western part of Germany adjoining the upper Rhine River.

Upon arrival in Philadelphia they declared their intent to settle peacefully in America before the Provincial Council and signed a declaration of allegiance to King George II of England. Nothing definite is known about Theobald for the next few years.

Sometime within the next few years Theobald married Anna Elizabeth Lauer, daughter of John Peter and Anna Margaret Lauer. In 1731 their first child, Dewalt was born. Since the immediate area around Philadelphia had been settled he went north (about 35 miles north of Philadelphia.) On 29 June 1734 Theobald took out a warrant for approximately 125 acres in Bucks County, PA. When the land was surveyed it amounted to 144 acres and 120 perches. Theobald agreed to pay Fifteen Pounds Ten Shillings per 100 acres and the yearly Quit-rent of one Half-penny Shilling for every Acre. This land was a grant from Thomas and Richard Penn, sons of William Penn, and proprietors of the province of Pennsylvania. According to the record of land patents, warrants and purchases filed in Bucks County,

Will -

Will of Theobald Mechlin

In the name of God Amen, I Devold Mechlin of the township of Ubermilford, in the county of Northampton in the province of Pennsylvania, being old and weak in body, but of a sound & perfect mind and memory, Blessed be God for ye same and weile (sic) it is appointed for all Men to Die and to Leave their Worldly Estates behind, Do I this Nineteenth Day of September in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and sixty-three make & Publish this my Last Will and Testament. In the manner and form following, after my Just Debts be fully Paid and Discharged, that is to say, first I Give & bequeath unto my beloved Wife Elizsabeth Mechlin one complete Bed and Bed Stead with all the furniture, one Cow, one Side Saddle to be worth Three Pounds and ten Shillings, one Chest, one Spinning Weal (sic), Two Iron Pots, a black one and one Small one, all the flax which is Not Spun into yarn at my decease, & two butter dishes, three plates, six spoons, one tea pot, two bureaus, one pine. Then it is my will That Soon after my Death, all the money Due to be Divided in the following, whereas I have Given to my oldest Son Daobold Mechlin, the Sum of one hundred pounds, when he was married. Likewise the Said Sum of one hundred Pounds I have Given to my Second Son Peter Mechlin when he was married. Also I have Given to my Daughter Elizabeth who is married to Lenhard Stininger, the Sum of Seventy-two Pounds, the Remaining Twenty-eight shall be paid after my Decease, if I do not pay in my Life Time, to make up the hundred pounds. Receipts Shall be produced of them all. Item, one hundred Pounds, I Give unto my Son, Jacob Mechlin together with the Lawful Interest for the Same from the Twenty-seventh Day of November Last. Also I Give unto my Two other Sons, Philip Mechlin and Thomas Mechlin, Each of them the Sum of one hundred Pounds with Lawful Interest aforesaid which shall be Lend out upon Interest By my Executors hereafter mentioned & to be paid unto them as Each of them Come of his full age of Twenty-one years. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my oldest Son Dabold Mechlin, the Sum of five Pounds of Good and Lawful money of Pennsylvania to him in hand paid within one month after my Decease by my Executors. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Mechlin, the Plantation which I now Live on, Situated in ye Township of Ubermillford in the County aforesaid, containing one hundred and Seventy acres being the same more or less together with all ye improvements there on for ye value or Price of four Hundred Pounds of Lawful Money of Pennsylvania to be Paid. In the manner following one year after his Taking it in possession when he comes to his full age of Twenty-one years, he shall pay the first payment, the Sum of Twenty-five Pounds, and Every year Twenty-five Pounds to full payment is made for whole, which Said Sum of Four hundred Pounds Shall be Equal Divided among my Six Children before mentioned. Every payment yearly as they become Due. Ye said Plantation To be possessed by him, the Said Thomas Mechlin, his heirs and Assigns forever. Further it is my will that in Case he Should Die before he will Come to his full age aforesaid and Leaving no Lawful heirs, Then I give and bequeath the Same to my Son Phillip Mechlin, his heirs & assigns for Ever, and in Case he Should not Live to be Enjoyable and Leave No heirs as aforesaid, then I Give and bequeath the same to my Son, Jacob Mechlin, by the Conditions above mentioned. Further it is my will that if one or Either one of my three Sons as Jacob, Philip and Thomas Mechlin Should Not live, he or them be of their full age, then his share shall equal be divided among the remaining of my Children or their heirs and assigns. Item, I Give unto my three Last Subscribed, Each of then when they Come of age, one young mare at the value of Thirteen Pounds, one good New hunting Saddle, one bridle, one new Shmoot (sic) Gun, one Chest, one asct (sic) one Grubin (sic) hoe, two small Rings and two wedges. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Elizabeth Mechlin all the third Part of my Personal Estates, all the Remainder of my moveable Estates, I Give and bequeath to my Six Children to be Divided Shear and Shear (sic) Alike among them. Item, I give to my son Jacob Mechlin, my great Coat. Further it is my will that after my Decease, my wife shall have one good Room in the house to Live in and a bed in the Garden next to the old house about thirteen feet broad up the whole length of the Garden & one long Row of apple trees In the orchard for her own Use during her natural Life if She Remains a widow and no Longer. Item, I give unto my said wife Elizabeth ye third share of the Rent of my Plantation as long as she Remains a widow but no Longer, which yearly to be Paid to her. Further Provided a true Inventory Shall be made Soon after my Death, of all my moveable Estates, money, Bonds, Bills from the highest to the Lowest by my Executors hereinafter mentioned; further it is my will that my Executors shall make sale of my moveable Estate for the best price that Can begotten and Enable them to Discharge my Debts and to Rent out my plantation till my Son Thomas Comes to be of age aforesaid. I do here by make, Constitute and appoint my Second Son, Peter Mechlin and my Wife, Elizabeth Mechlin, Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament to Take Care of my Children and their Estates and for everything herein before mentioned performed according to my true Interest and meaning thereof and In case If my Said Wife Elizabeth Should marry again, then I make and constitute and appoint my Loving friend, Samuel Mechlin ** in heir Room (sic) to act for my Sole Executor with my son Peter. And in Case any Dispute Should arise Between my Children among themselves or between my Children and My Wife or between them of my Executors Then in Such Case I do Hereby order that they Shall Not go to Law with Each other to Dispute, But it is my will and do order That all Disputes Shall be Settled between three men in ye neighborhood chosen by them as arbitrators and according them, three men their Judgments, Each Party Shall Stand do & be Satisfied accordingly. And I Do here by declare This only to be My Last Will and Testament and all Former Wills and Testaments to be Void. In Witness whereof, I the Said Davold Mechlin have to this my Last will and Testament Set my Hand and Seal the Day and year above. Written, Signed, Sealed, Delivered by the Said Davold Mechlin as and for his Last Will and Testament in ye Presence of us Who were present at the Signing and Sealing Thereof.

Davold his Mechlin


(no name recorded)

A daughter was baptized 11 May 1740 at St. Paul`s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Red Hill, PA. No name was given so she probably died young.

Anna Margaret Mechling

Margaretha, Peter Lauer`s daughter as the Godparent.

She died 10 April 1748 and is buried in what is now Berks County, PA.